This was our baby's 1st run in the sprinkler and he loved it!

Water in his face, grass on his shoes and legs, toddler baby having a wonderful time playing in the water ...

Big brother making the water sprinkler experience even more special for our baby. I watch and appreciate the beautiful relationship between brothers that are so far apart in age! Their love and my love for them ... it overwhelms my heart and reminds me that this is the love our Father in heaven has for us.
Happy Wordless Wednesday
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child
Oh my, even I could have enjoyed that! :)
Check out my WW entry for this week, where my boys prepared get well soon cards for me when I was hospitalized. :)
Happy WW!
My son LOVES the sprinkler! We have a little splash park across the street from us, but sometimes it's easier to just make our own in the yard :)
Come link up!
Thanks for stopping by ladies. It's great to connect with you :)
How sweet! Loving these cute photos.
Stopping by from sarahmhalstead's wordless wednesday :)
Thank you, Ang :) Welcome!
How fun!
Simply Delicious
Love it! Playing in the water is so much fun :)
Thank you :)
So cute! Came your way through MomBlogger! I look forward to getting to know you!
Awe, thank you, Christie. It's a pleasure to connect with you!
This is so precious! Brothers playing together despite age differences, love it :)
New follower saying hello!
Awe, thank you, Heidi. You got exactly what I meant by this. They are over 11 years apart playing as equals just that once.
very cute. I remember when my kids were that little running through the sprinkler. I'm following over from MomBloggersClub and am following you by email now. Cool blog.
I am so glad you invited me to visit your sight. I am now following on G+. People say bad things about the internet, but I have found so many Christian wives and mothers sharing stories, it is wonderful to me. I look forward to reading more of you stories.
Awe, thank you, Janeane. It's a blessing to connect with you, too. Your blog is great!
super sweet! Found you on MBC. Looking forward to reading more.
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