Starting Over Is Not Easy ... Mother Baby Child Blog

I was over 35 when I gave birth to Baby Max. My middle son was 11 years old and my older son had just turned seventeen. It wasn't easy starting over again ... Mother Baby Child is a blog to share parenting experiences, as well as what marriage is like after being a single mom for so many years. Get info on having a baby, raising children, babies, tweens, teens, homeschooling, mom blogs, work at home mom. business marketing, Christian and celebrity moms blog posts.
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9 Months Old Baby Milestones

  • Most 9 month old babies can sit well; developed balance.

  • Most 9 month old babies can crawl well; stand by holding onto furniture or your leg; some babies start to walk by this age.

  • Some drink from cups and can feed themselves finger foods and use a spoon with help. They are eating more solid foods at this time; maybe refusing baby foods that are too fine (have no texture or chunks).

  • They can hold toys and move them from hand to hand.

  • Likes to play games with you like peak-a-boo, and might let you read to him / her.

  • 9 month old babies can pick up small things (food, toys, etc) with pointer and thumb.

  • They love music and "dance" to it. NOTE: Our 9 months old baby rocks back and forth to the background music on his Super Why tv show even if it is slight because the characters are speaking. He sings with music and we sometimes hear him singing on his own ("aaaaaaaaaaaa, oooooooooooo").

  • Smiles and responds to his / her name. Recognizes family and friends; may shy or be afraid of strangers.

  • It is common for 9 months babies to have teeth or experience teething during this time.

  • Babbles (makes nose with mouth as if talking) and repeat sounds. NOTE: Don't feel bad if your baby does not repeat! We thought that our baby Max was underdeveloped in this area until one day we were out in public and told him to say hello to a friend. He put his head down and said "hello", but would not say it again when asked. In fact, he repeats when he feels like it, therefore it might be the same with your baby at 9 months old.


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