Happy New Year | 2012 New Year Message & No Resolutions List
"For eleven months and maybe about twenty days each year, we concentrate upon the shortcomings of others, but for a few days at the turn of New Year we look at our own. It is a good habit." ~ Arthur H. Sulzberger
2012 New Year is here and I am already tired. Just kidding! I have been chasing my little 1 year old all over the house. It is quite fun, though much more exercise than my old bones expected ... I thought that I would be taking it easy this month because, as I explained in my previous post, 2011 was a fast paced year. I had our baby on 12/27/ 2010 and went full force with all that goes with the baby's 1st year of development, plus 1) moved to a new home, 2) homeschooled my tween, 3) continued to work from home and 4) write this Mother Baby Child Blog in my free time. That was quite a lot in the 2011 year, therefore I am grateful to move at my own professional pace this January 2012 while playing with our 1 year old as much as I can, but I am not taking it easy as expected and this is the point of my New Year Message. Sometimes, things just do not go as we plan, therefore you have to embrace the plans that God has for you.
"Let go, and let God!"
As I sat here wondering what my New Year's Resolutions should be ... should it be another year of EVERYTHING as wrote on the last New Years Resolution list ... LOL, I know better this year. It will be a piece of cake to keep up with 2012 resolutions because I have no list ... AH HA HA HA !!! What I have is a routine that works for me - one developed prior to getting pregnant with our baby - that I have adjusted for the baby's developmental needs. How about you? Do you feel the need to make a new list of goals or are you carrying out the one's you've had?
Keeping to the "Resolution List" does seem to be the delimma this time of year ... Doesn't it? I guess I am resolving to not having that list this year!
As the New Year quote above states, it is a "good habit" to turn our forcus on ourselves at the beginning of the new year. The challenge that most have is in keeping that focus as the 2012 year progresses. I have always been a goal oriented person, though I am getting older (almost 40) and the 2011 year has shown me that I REALLY have minimal control over what God has in store for me. Yes, I wake with the goals / tasks that need accomplished for the day, week, month and "handle my business each day", but I have LEARNED that my focus will not collapse if I stop to have unscheduled "mat time" with my baby when I thought that I should be blogging, programming or networking. The same for listening to music with my teen or homeschool an hour later in the morning. All works out just fine in either case. This is not how I planned it to be nor a goal on any past year's resolution list, yet all got done and life changing goals were accomplished.
"The best laid plans of mice and men ..."
We all should have short term and long term goals in life ... just make sure that you're being realistic! Don't add anything new if you can't handle it and, as the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Tune in to what God has in store for you this 2012 year opposed to what you think should be the plan. You'll be surprised what you learn and accomplish in a years time.
Happy 2012 New Year to all of my friends and family; social network and blog followers. I am REALLY looking forward to connecting more with you this year. Hugs & Blessings :)
In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child
You're right- goals have to be realistic in order to work correctly. I think that's the trouble I have sometimes with goals- I shoot too high and then get discouraged if I don't make it.
Happy New Year to you!
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