Unique Website Content / Unique Blog Content Is Still Key
It was not so long ago that Google added a feature to their Webmaster Tools that permitted webmasters to report duplicate content; kind of like a "grace" system for those who wanted forgiven for duplicate content. That was at the end of 2009 while we were waiting for the social search engine (Google +) to launch and I didn't fall for it! I have been using the Internet daily and writing website content for 13+ years. I have been following Google and Yahoo since their Internet launches. I did not fall for this duplicate content "grace" feature as I was taught and had previously confirmed that it is unique website content that distinguished us from one another and is favored by the major search engines. This makes sense, right? Yahoo / Bing and Google want to provide us with quality content, therefore it makes sense that they filter out what is repetitive information in the search engines, so that we continue to use their services.
How Does This Apply To Your Website / Blog Content?
- You should write quality unique website content (blog content) to attract new website visitors and retains followers.
- You should write quality unique website content (blog content) to stand out from the others in Google, Yahoo / Bing.
- You should write quality unique website content (blog content) for other search engines and directories that featuring your blog / website.
For example, if your mom blog does product reviews or provides PR services, put everything permissible into your own words. I say permissible because some companies have constraints on how their products or services are described / marketed. Regardless, if they are paying / giving samples to more than one mom blog, it is likely that search engines will consider yours duplicate content if you use suggested content that is too similar to what is written on another site.
Duane Forrester: Video on Establishing Authority in Bing
Duplicate Content forgiveness went to the waste side in 2011. The Panda changes and launch of Google + beta encouraged us to share others content in social settings, but Google's Little or No Original Content and Webmaster Guidelines provide assurance that unique website content is still key with Google. Yahoo / Bing states the similar in their blog post explaining how to become an Authority Site which includes a bulleted list of what they look for to determine authority sites (unique content is one of the factors).
Matt Cutts: Google Video on Good Quality Content vs SEO
Matt Cutts from Google has posted a video explaining how your good content is taken into consideration and sometimes in addition to SEO, this is why those mom blog offering PR and Product Sponsoring need to make those ads / blog content unique for the Search Engines as well as interesting to the website visitors / blog followers. Yes, you are supposed to write for website visitors above the search engines, but they both go hand in hand for your success!
The disadvantage and advantage that a good mom blogger / webmaster has is that search engines determine what is duplicate content or content spam for themselves (algorithm change for this in January 2012). It is a disadvantage if you do not know how to protect and market your content, someone else can squeeze in on your "good stuff" and claim it as their own. On the other hand, shrewd and Internet savvy mom bloggers know how to protect themselves from duplicate content. The advantage is that search engines can most often tell which content is yours and whether it is worth anyone's time ("quality"). They constantly update their algorithms (code also known as crawlers) and they hire people to serve as search engineers ... this protects you from websites and blogs that embed your RSS and content spammers that duplicate your unique writings; including articles you have made public domain on PR and article sites that permit sharing. This is why social bookmarking and link descriptions are not considered duplicate content, but a new web site that is using just feeds could be considered duplicate content.
Over the years, it has really ticked me off when I hire a "Ghostwriter" to assist with writing content, for a large projects, and it is a spun article or not unique content. It just wastes my money and time because I have to go through and fix the documents so that they are quality unique content according to Google and Yahoo / Bing. BTW - don't forget to check out last week's Marketing Tip on Good Commenting practices.
I feel the same about link engineers that put my beautiful websites - with beautiful unique content - into crappy link locations or do not know how to comment on my behalf without using spam! I have stopped hiring these link specialists at all and use screened USA assistants ... you should be careful who you permit help market your web content, too!!!
On the other hand, NOTHING has ticked me off more than someone duplicating my quality unique website content. There are ways to get passed this, so that the search engines know that you were the first to post the website / blog content. You are welcome to CONTACT ME for a consultation on how to search and protect your website content from duplicators.
In the meanwhile, just keep in mind and hold dear to your heart that NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS (seo experts, search engines, online friends), you are ALWAYS better off by having quality unique website content or blog content. With this in mind, it would not hurt to go back through your blog posts and correct what you can. This can make a world of difference for someone using Blogger opposed to Wordpress or Typepad. Blogspot / Blogger does not have the same extensions and SEO capabilities as the other two blog platforms, therefore unique content and proper external SEO will help your Blogspot / Blogger rank better in the search engines.

Have a website / blog content tip that I should add to this blog post? Did you learn anything about why you should write the "Quality Unique Website Content"? If so, please take a moment to share your thoughts below in the Comment section of this blog :)
In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child
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