Blogging for hobby is AWESOME, but don't call your blog business a hobby if you're serious about it! This week's marketing tip is about mom blogging, blogging for business and mom business mindset!
Ok, here's a question for you ... Why do some moms become "hobbyist" when work and money is involved in "stepping up" their "game"? I am NOT saying this for personal reasons, this week's marketing tip is inspired by some blogs I've been following and blog comments I've read over the past few months.
I am NOT referring to moms who write a blog diary or are genuine blog hobbyists. I enjoy reading and interacting with those moms just as much as I do business minded mom bloggers. Some have content that rocks so hard that they could blog as a business anytime that they wanted. This is because they are amazing writers and interesting people! Isn't that what sponsors look for when willing to pay for representation? My point being that I do respect people that blog for hobby.
(BTW - last week's Monday Marketing Tip provided a few videos from Google and Yahoo / Bing about the importance of quality, unique, website content / blog content. Don't forget to check that out if you are serious about your mom business marketing / mom blog marketing.)
I am referring to mom bloggers / mom website owners that have given up on their dreams / goals because online business and / or blogging is hard for them ... This also applies to those who are just too lazy (not too busy; they are lazy) and too cheap (not one penny invested in themselves) to do what they planned when they launched their blog, website or mom business. They find it too hard to learn because they are either lazy or do not listen when taught. It's understandable that moms want or need to be frugal, but if you cannot learn or do something on your own ... it is money well invested to learn or have someone do for you!
Some of these people have the nerve to comment on others blogs and networks - in a nose turned up in the air manner - that their blogs are "just a hobby". How funny when those are comment threads where others are coming together to share and get advice on how to do better at making money from their blogs. So, I head on over to a few of these hobby blogs to see what their hobby looks like and find that most that claimed that their blog was a hobby actually had blogs with attempted business efforts. Some of the so-called hobbyist had pages stating that they are PR friendly (some included rates for marketing help), as well as Rafflecopter / Giveaway / Contest attempts, Blog Hops / Link Ups, Google and Other Ads, Blog Reviews with links to Amazon products or other affiliate / sponsor type activities, and so on. Some may not have been the best in design or content ... others just missing the "meat & potatoes" that could world of difference ... All did have attempts at making money or assuming a PR role in the mommy blogosphere ...
Some of the "hobby blogs" had potential. There pages were content rich and attractive enough to make $$$, but they were just kind of ... dead ... missing things?
Next week's marketing tip will share how to deal with a "dead" blog, but this week's marketing tip is with focus on your mom business mindset and motivation, so that you can accomplish your goals ... This starts with determining whether you are really cut out for this mom business blog / mom business marketing world or if you should remain a hobbyist! There is no shame in not pursuing something you really do not like or are not willing to learn, but if this is not the case (you need to make money ... you desire this industry ... you dream of this career), then you should be ashamed of calling yourself a hobbyist instead of trying to become a mom business or mom blog success.
What is the difference between blogging for business or having a hobby blog?
There is sometimes a fine line between what is a hobby blog or not; especially for those who are making money from a blog that started as a hobby. They love what they write about and it makes them money. This is the dream situation and goals accomplished that I mentioned a few paragraphs above. It looks easy and has been easy for some of these mom bloggers ... On the other hand, most had to work for what they wanted in some respect or another.
Successful bloggers are a classic case of "you either have it or you don't" ... they have "it" now because they either "had it" or did what it took to "have it". In many cases they already "have" the business mindset or developed a business mindset that permitted them to transition from hobby blogger to making money from their blogs. This is the same for those they inspired to start a blog to make money online. Some knew how to do all; it came easy to them. Blog content came easy to some, but the technical and blog business processes did not. Some were not good at writing and organizing content, though the blog subject matter and their ability to market were great. Regardless of what the deficiencies, they took it upon themselves to make their blogs desirable to others and financially productive (not lazy) and even invested in learning and / or producing (not too cheap) in order to become "successful".
That is that mom business mindset that differentiates the hobbyist from the business woman that makes money online. Which are you right now? How can you improve or help other moms accomplish their goals and dreams? Feel free to CONTACT ME directly if you need help or can offer other's help with training, following, liking, connecting, website design, marketing on your blog or website, or have an interesting blog business that you would like to share with the people I network with online.
Do you have something to share about this "Blog Business / Blog Hobby" post? Did you learn anything or feel inspired? Please feel free to share your thoughts by clicking the comments link or in the comments area below :)
In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child
Great article!
Following from the Alexa Drop Hop!
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