This is not a radical anti-establishment / horrible Monsanto post, that will come later. Mine is a story of guilt and anger over processed foods, genetically altered, pesticide & fast foods ... How could we let them do this to us? How could I ignore the facts and God's will?
I have struggled with my weight since having children (18 years ago). This is not because I didn't eat my veges or couldn't lose weight, but that the "bad foods" always took over my willpower; especially when it came to choosing which foods to buy according to our budget (I love a good deal) and portion sizes. As a result, it would take me years to lose weight after having a baby. I also fed my family professed foods, genetically altered foods, fast foods, corn syrup and pesticide infected meats and vegetables that I thought were healthy.
Sustainable Food Movement - Pesticide Free / Healthy Organic Foods Movement
This chapter of my life is titled "My Personal Struggle". It involves guilt ridden realizations that motivated me into taking responsibility for the food choices that I have made for my family and dedication to breaking the cycle.
It really broke my heart when my husband gave our baby a hotdog for the first time. I swore that I wasn't going to do "THAT" to "THIS" child, but who cold blame him? I fed the baby a chicken nugget, crackers and cookies, so many times, and gave him toddler baby formula (soy) after he weaned from breastfeeding. In fact, I put the hotdogs on the store list despite knowing that they are not good for us (even our preferred store bought beef hotdogs). Prior to this baby, my entire family and I have been feeding children and eateneating "bad foods" for generations. It was only my step mother's health obsession (as I was growing up), my grandparent's gardening and fostering my love of vegetables, my mother's "fat" prejudice and going to the farmer's market when I was young, that confirm that I am right about how I feel regardless of whether I ever read an article, food label or warning about the type of food we eat in the United States. Ironically, it was also these family members that embraced processed foods, fad dieting, chemicals, pesticides, fast food, etc, as fell as fostering larger food portions, eating everything on my plate whether I was fool or not, and sweet foods made from unhealthy flours, sugars, etc. I would never blame them because that is how life transpired as we became more industrial in this nation, but they could have done better despite the food fads (like turning off the TV and educating themselves on how to keep "things" as simple as what they had learned from family members on the farms and remembered from their radio listening childhoods. Instead of preserving the "old school" and flower child ideals, they sold out to the bigger, larger, more is better, brainwashing that our corporations and government has supported for decades!
Healthy Food & Lifestyle | Taking Responsibility & Making Changes
I heard the "rumors" about genetically altered foods; knew the benefits of exercising and eating healthy, since I was a child. I know that cigarettes cause cancer, as well as Aspartame and other chemicals in our foods. I remember reading about the first case of BSE when I was a kid (1980s) and especially the Mad Cow Disease epidemic in 1993 because that was when my son was born. It wasn't long after that my mother bought 1/2 a cow from an organic farm near our city and gave me plenty to last. My guilt is in knowing all of the basic health information and ignoring it, as well as not researching and learning more about the "rumors" ... especially since I was a biology student for so many years. I have no excuse for not feeding my children natural / organic foods except for the fact that it was easier, cheaper and, sometimes, more fun to be irresponsible about our health. I also have no excuse for all of the years of smoking, drinking and, various forms of, gluttony after having children. I was just sick with regret for all of the years that I let my children eat processed foods and fast foods, and then anger for feeding them pesticide foods that I thought were good for us once I decided to drop the other bad foods and make more healthy choices.
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Even non-Christians know this scripture quote about our body being temple, yet we ignore it as easily as we ignore God's other instructions and laws. It starts from the top of the food chain and ends in our hearts. The problem that we are having (others and my family) is that the government and corporations have made it virtually impossible to go "back to basics" in this world. I am not only referring to our food sources, but also the generations of change in products, utilities and leadership in this nation.
My husband and I have been making changes since the beginning of this year. It started with childhood and adult experience, listening to people trying to educate us on what is wrong and right according to the Bible, health, etc. I sat and watched Fresh The Movie when they made it available online and free in January 2012. I highly recommend attending a viewing or buying this movie if you can ... it is safe enough for children to watch and educational for those who are interested in a healthier way of life. The problem that I have had since watching Fresh The Movie is the extreme guilt of what I have done to my body and the health of those I love, as well as anger towards the impact of media, corporations and government for the choices they have made for us. For example, soy, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, corn, ice cream, pet food, etc. genetically engineered? Why is our infant formula, flour, syrup, oil, pet food, processed foods, etc made with non conventional ingredients? Why does a bottle of vitamin C taste like salt, plus have sodium and Yellow 6 in it? Why does Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) infect meats, dairy and pesticides on the vegetables needed to eat and make flour, corn meal, coffee, etc. Why does our local food get shipped to other states and out of the country ... why do we eat imported foods when the exact same foods are exported from our country?
Most importantly ... why is it so hard to find and buy organic foods; especially 100% organic local foods and at the same market value as the "bad foods" that companies and the government approves for us? Why can't I find non-GMO (GMO - Genetically Motified Food) in some cases? Why does the government let Monsanto have such control over our foods and fund industrial farming? I even have to screen every single farmer and take tours in order to buy local organic foods. In many cases, such as pork and certain vegetables, only natural is available and this upsets me.
Change is not easy! On the other hand, it should not be this difficult for those who chose to shop for natural / organic food and products. Our family is making this change despite the costs and time; including growing some of our own foods, exercise and educating our other family members. I am wondering if you have been considering or have made the change to Organic Foods and healthier life changes? Please comment below and follow at networks; I will follow back so that we can learn and share with one another.
Please make sure to register at http://www.freshthemovie.com to learn more about the sustainable food movement and how you can improve the quality of food that you are feeding your family, too!
In Motherly Love,
Lea @ Mother Baby Child
You have have have have have have have to get out of the grocery store. It's hard and sucks that this is how it has to be done. But it's to honest truth. Getting out of the store takes the money from those making the decisions. Money speaks more than anything ever could. I'm a single parent with 2 boys and started making changes 3 years ago when my son was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease that has no cure. For his life, and mine and that of my other son, nothing is worth more than our health.
The other major issue is....we are used to our food being cheap. That's a HUGE hurdle to overcome..especially when the money's not there. Glad I can grow about a dozen carrots and a few lettuce plants in a pot on my step.
@Anonymous - Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion and viewpoint. It is important that others - including single parents - understand the value, challenges and changes that others are taking to become healthier and support the sustainable food movement. God bless your family!
Very interesting article. I will have to share it with my husband too! Thanks for linking up today at Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes! Hope to see you again next week! :)
I live in a small town and I too have problems finding organic foods.... and when they do say organic. Are they really?
I don't have a lot of property buy, I try to grow as much as I can on my little piece of land. Last year, I ate a lot of zuccini that I grew organic.
I am now following you on pinterest. I voted on the fence and I am going to go klout you. I don't know if you are on twitter but I am @CandidaJourney
@My Journey With Candida - You are absolutely right about that and a few of the farmers got a little irritated about having to explain which is organic and which is natural fed ...
That's so awesome! When we plant and grow our own foods, then there is no question as to how and where our food is grown :)
Awe, that was really sweet. Thank you :) I will add you on Twitter and back at those networks. Hugs & Blessings!
Thanks for linking up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We love having you and hope you'll be back next week! -The Sisters
Wow, this is great information! Gives me so much to think about. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW linky party. Hope to see you there.
i'm so into organic food.
what an interesting and informative post! thanks so much for sharing;)
happy thursday!
Hello I found you on Katherine's blog hop. I just started trying to eliminate artifical stuff from my diet. I'm with you its a nightmare trying to find something to eat. I garden some and hope to do more this year. I haven't been at it long enough to tell you anything useful except that I feel better. Also you have to let go of the guilt--why are you still remembering what God has forgotten? I'm your newest follower :)
Thank you Betty, Ivy and @Debra :) Debra, I like how you ended that ... You are right! I have to admit that I feel so much better, too. My family is adjusting well to the change, but my 12 year old still sneaks a few non-organic goodies. I figure any change is in the right direction for ALL of us.
Hugs & Blessings to all.
A great resource, thank you for your post.Thank you for joining in the hop and for your bloggy friendship
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