Wordless Wednesday pictures of our 14 month old eating his first ice cream cone (well, it was really frozen yogurt). We enjoyed watching him!

Mama, what is this?

Ice cream? I'll just give it a little lick, ok?

Can I use it as a microphone ... "La La La"?

That is what cold is ...? This is a brain freeze?

OK, I'm gonna slow down and use my finger as a spoon :)
I was amazed by how well he did (he is a very active toddler after all). He was open to trying a variety of foods, though did not like and threw the Chinese donut first (both of his brothers always liked them best). This is the first time that he did not throw his plate of food (as he does at home). He actually ate off of a plate for the entire meal. He did make a little mess on the floor and his face, but no food on his clothes. I could not believe it! I was extremely proud that he DID NOT want to get down and run all over the restaurant.
In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child
Aww! So sweet! We just went out for frozen yogurt last night. Yummo! With out the guilt! ;)
lol what a fun first :O)
what a cute baby :)
and the ice cream time looked fun ..
P.S. Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog :) Blesses
How cute! Dropping by from the hop to follow you .
Aww, looks like baby really enjoyed that froyo!!
I can't wait to share that moment.That's going to be in over a rear however.
I'm still afraid of taking my son to places. He's 12 weeks old and has only been to a store once. We have to go to his brother's birthday party this weekend and honestly I'm afraid of all the germs. haha.
Thank you everyone :)
@themiraclemomma - I hear you! It wouldn't be so bad if the restaurants actually sanitized between settings :(
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