Blue Ivy Carter (Source: helloblueivycarter.tumblr.com)
Beyonce Nurses Baby Blue At Restaurant ... SO WHAT!!! Baby Blue Ivy Was Hungry While She Was Out To Lunch. #Breastfeeding Advocates Proud of Beyonce - Celebrity Mom Plz Be An Example of #Change
I am a somewhat antisocial and private mother in my offline world. I don't like people watching me play outside with my 14 month old. I avoid any outings that might run past 1-2 hours because our baby does not like them. It has been this ways since our baby was 8 to 9 months old. When I nursed during our baby's 1st year, I was cautious about feeding our baby prior to going to the doctors or store. I probably pumped more than the average SAHM because 1) my husband liked to feed the baby as much as I did and 2) I never wanted to leave our baby without milk pumped in case he got hungry when I showered or I had to go somewhere alone (like the doctors). For the most part, our baby nursed every 1 1/2 to 2 hours on the clock, though would sometimes go longer or shorter depending on how active we were that day.
Our toddler still likes to have a bottle or cup on that same hourly schedule. Yes, I let my 14 month old have his bottle ... "so what" ... I take care of his teeth well. I don't believe what the "experts" say ... I don't want our son to stuck in a Freudian Oral Stage). We make choices as parents; we share information and sometimes become positive examples to other moms. I think what happened was a coincidental case of positive influence on Beyonce's part and she could really do something wonderful with it.
I am proud of Beyonce for breastfeeding AND being the mother that she chooses to be! Beyonce, can you "step up to plate" and be even more?
The following video shares the controversial comments about Beyonce breastfeeding in public the other day. My initial reaction was "that's cool" ... then I got REALLY upset at the world!!! I even developed expectation of Beyonce now that I see her as a mother that I can relate to, but I'll explain that later in this blog post ... The point here is why would there be such a big deal about Beyonce nursing her baby? She went out to eat and her baby got hungry, so she fed Blue Ivy, too. What is the big deal? Why are we asking the public to comment on this natural occurrence in her life and why on earth did that man suggest that she should use a public bathroom to nurse her baby ... NO WAY??? That is like pooping in a public bathroom to me ... how gross!!!
A woman has the right to breastfeed her baby in any location where she is welcomed, therefore Beyonce has the right to breastfeed her baby girl in public if she pleases and without it being such a huge controversial deal. This unnecessary publicity is why so many celebrities move out of the United States or go into recluse. It irritates me that other countries recognize that breastfeeding is natural, though the USA is still backwards about it. In fact, it is just in recent years that health departments and doctors have been campaigning towards breastfeeding ... way past due!!! On the other hand, celebrity moms need not run from the public eye and to another county; they are in position to become as much of a parental role model, in the United States, as they are in their talents.
I do have an empathy for celebrity moms ...
There have been times when our baby has demanded that I nurse in public; he did not want the bottle because he was tired and wanted to breastfeed. My cousin in law did the same (her baby and Max are just a few weeks apart). Her baby became temperamental about taking pumped milk bottles and refused to take them. Anyways, I wouldn't dare nurse in the middle of a grocery store isle because it would be uncomfortable for the baby and me; not because of other people. We nursed in the car if need be, but I did nurse at the beach and in a restaurant. No one seemed to notice and "so what" if they did. As private as I am, I got over any "stage fright" or apprehension when it came to feeding my baby in public.
Breastfeeding is natural and healthier for our babies - POINT BLANK!!!
As you can imagine, Breastfeeding Advocates are taking this as one for the "home team" ... This is GREAT because if more celebrity moms would advocate nursing, then more mother's would breastfeed throughout future generations. This means less money out of the government's pockets and giving babies a better start because - unless you buy all organic - a baby is going to have plenty of chemicals to eat in their years to come!!!
Although I got a little "ticked" by the media and fans making such a big deal out of Beyonce nursing in public, I am REALLY proud of the decisions Beyonce has made in her life & after the birth of Blue Ivy caused such a hospital ordeal.
- Beyonce planned to start a family after she established her career, and that she did!
- She spent the first month with baby Blue and having family time.
- Beyonce did not sell Blue Ivy's 1st baby pictures. They released them free on Tumblr.
- Beyonce did not gain too much during pregnancy and her baby weight started coming right off of her within a month.
- Beyonce has chosen to breastfeed her baby girl and is comfortable doing this in public!
2012 is another "day and time" of change in the United States.
We have been through years of negative effects of the war and economical changes ... the 2012 presidential campaign is strong with blasts of #change ... sustainable food groups are educating more aggressively to accomplish even small changes in the foods we chose to the point that grocery stores are increasing their organic food supplies ... the job market is shifting predominant industries and new tax credits given companies to inshore outsource ... the health departments are hiring breastfeeding advocates after generations of shaping bottle feeding norms (bottle feeding baby doll manufacturers are guilty for this too) ...
I think it time that we acknowledge celebrities for GOOD parenting choices and encourage them to help with change as well :) I think that Beyonce is making good parenting choices and our "catching" her breastfeeding in public was a natural fluke that could very well have more than a booty popping impact on young girls in this time of change. Now is the time for breastfeeding organizations to attempt to catch the support of this DREAMGIRL and for Beyonce to "step up to plate" for other non-tangible support of change over the years. This will have a far better impact than becoming a Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers beauty ... It is obviously better than packing up the family and relocating to another country ...
We need more celebrity moms to become advocates of change in the USA!!!
Beyonce, in all due respect, could we get some intentional parenting inspiration from you? So many of us are proud of your accomplishments AND to learn that you are not only breastfeeding, but also comfortable with with your mommy role. On the other hand, the childless Beyonce had been the booty popping inspiration for young girls for almost 2 decades. It would be cool if Beyonce "the mother" could become the diva of motherhood for your fans, too??? I would personally love to witness, Beyonce "the mother", as the celebrity face of breastfeeding and perhaps she could use that talented and fit mommy body to assist Michelle Obama "Lets Move" for kids.
No worries about the scanty costumes and booty shaking subject matter ... if Tory Spelling can become the face of good looks and parenting, and Snoop Dogg can make such substantial non-music industry changes in kids lives, society might just welcome Beyonce "the mother" as a role model for their little girls and obese children!
These are my thoughts on Beyonce nursing in public ... I look forward to comments with what you think! Will you be in shock if Beyonce is caught breastfeeding in public again? Was this appropriate or inappropriate? Would you like to see Beyonce in the role of healthy kid or breastfeeding advocate?
In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Even though I was not brave or comfortable nursing any of my 8 children in public I applaud those that can and do. The US is the only backwards country when it comes to nursing in public. Such a shame.
I am glad that Beyonce nursed her baby in public. Blue was hungry and Beyonce met her needs. Bravo! She's a good mother! I feel for her and the media frenzy she has to deal with, but I guess she's use to it. However, she certainly seems to protect Blue from it all or is trying her best to. Another indication she's a good mother.
@Faith and Family Reviews - I know! She did a great job considering that she is a new mom and celebrity that people are watching closely. I appreciate your feedback. Thank you :)
I was very happy when I read that news article about Beyonce breastfeeding her child in public. Of course, our first reaction would be 'so what? She's feeding her child, nothing special!' but I think as a celeb, she is doing a good job to show the public there is nothing wrong with BF-ing, especially in public. I applaud her for that!
Btw, thanks for dropping by my blog earlier! :)
Im a mother and I feel like Beyonce did the right thing for her child. Its a beautiful thing! I just feel like she should not listen to all those negative comments an continue breasfeeding Blue Ivy in public and at home,wherever. And off the subject Blue Ivy is a beautiful name. You go girl! Sincerly your biggest fan Ivy Johnson
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