Starting Over Is Not Easy ... Mother Baby Child Blog

I was over 35 when I gave birth to Baby Max. My middle son was 11 years old and my older son had just turned seventeen. It wasn't easy starting over again ... Mother Baby Child is a blog to share parenting experiences, as well as what marriage is like after being a single mom for so many years. Get info on having a baby, raising children, babies, tweens, teens, homeschooling, mom blogs, work at home mom. business marketing, Christian and celebrity moms blog posts.
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Autism Awareness Day | Autism Awareness Month | Pinterest Pin For Autism

April 2nd - World Autism Awareness Day - Autism Awareness Month

April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day

Today is Autism Awareness Day which kicks off Authism Awareness Month 2012. I wrote about Autism Day last year, and a little about my experience with having a child within spectrum(s). I encourage you to learn more about AUTISM and comment with your resources, so that more people know what to watch for in children, family and friends. The current stats are staggering ... most recent study is 1 in 88 eight year olds are autistic. I know from experience and media of children doing extraordinary things despite of their autism / spectrum disorders, though families of children with autism know that this is not always the case. Visit and to learn more and make year long / lifetime commitment for those with Autism / ASD.

Please make sure to Pinterest Pin this image if you have a child, grandchild or other family member with Autism!

In Motherly Love,
Mother Baby Child


Tiffany said...

Thank you for blogging about this. I don't have a family member with autism, but I spent years working and volunteering with people with developmental disabilities. We cannot speak out about this enough- it's an epidemic grasping our country, and we need to increase awareness and understanding.

Lea Marie said...

You are a blessing, Tiffany. Thank you for sharing your passion and commitment towards making others more aware of the epidemic of Autism.

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